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  • jgeorg22

Midterm! (Updates will be edited on!)

HELLO! My name is Jem, future creator of Bill! Billy Bob Joe (Or something like that)!

Sooooo, I had no idea what to do with my project. That being said, I'm a GOOD STUDENT! So I did what most good students do; I turned to google. Lo and behold, I've been through a few options, like a guitar, like a dice, like a game, etc. All of those seemed too easy and I wanted to push myself, sooooo, like a true pain loving fiend, I've decided to go with... a ROBOT! Below, I'll upload my inspiration.

Edit #1: Plans have changed, getting him to spin was just a little bit too easy (theoretically. It's working on the simulator, real life is a totally different story) so now, I'm adding some music and having the message displayed on the microbit so it's easier to see what message the sound corresponds to.

Edit #2: DID YOU KNOW THAT SOME SOUNDS LIKE "GIGGLE" DON'T WORK ON THE VERSION 1 MICROBIT? So now, Billy can't express himself musically. *FRUSTRATION* Time to find different noises for the 4 messages. What is Billy's purpose in life?

Edit #3: SO, an artistic choice has been made. The messages are being trimmed down to 2 options. Each option will have Billy spinning a certain way based on how it makes him feel. I think this little guy will help a lot of kids understand that words can hurt or make you happy. (Inspired by the little slightly Autistic boy I'm babysitting). By trimming down the options, it's easier to focus on the "mean" words and the "happy" words. Hopefully this works out!

Edit #4: I'm braindead, trying to put together Bob. Billy? Jerome? I don't know at this point. Nothing's working out. The music stopped playing altogether. The spinning of the motor doesn't translate over to real life (I tried looking up every kind of wiring video in existence so I KNOW I didn't do it wrong). The words displaying on the screen are being wonky, sometimes they go through to the other microbit and sometimes they don't. What is life?

Edit #5: Okay, so things are working together. I figured out that I wrote my code to the wrong pin for the speaker (-_-). That's fixed. The motor isn't working how I wanted it to so we're improvising. Instead of spinning or tilting, I'm going to have his "heart" (microbit in his chest) display what emotion he's feeling with a face and an appropriate song. His hardware isn't coming together like I want it to, but it's okay! Jerome's been through the wringer. He's a fighter! He's got this!

Final Edit: He's done! I'm exhausted... but he's done! YAY!!!! P.S. I just noticed that I've been saving these drafts instead of publishing them. Yay! (--__--) Exhaustion can drive you mad!

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