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  • jgeorg22

Article- Technology has influence

  1. Technology is great and very influential. However, that influence has the power to be used in potentially skewed and dangerous ways. Technology has the power to announce what it wants and also to mute what it doesn't want to spread. In such a manner, propoganda and ulterior motives can be spread quickly.

  2. Due to technological reach, it's become norm that people all around the world rely on technology to recieve information. If technology filters messages and information to spread only that which aligns with it's own agenda, people will recieve a very biased view of things.

  3. a. Articles that are being circulated should be verified.

b. Bring it to the publics attention that recieved information is skewed by those releasing it.

c. Support journalists and those with the power to spread unbiased information so monopolies don't form.

4. Something I can do to help prevent the spread of misinformation is to fact check and verify my own information and sources before I spread the wrong information to friends, family and colleagues.

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