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  • jgeorg22

Blog Post 2: First Microbit Project!

So, I missed class... a lot. Don't blame me! Life's been crazy recently, but because I missed class, you can IMAGINE how lost I was doing this project. As such, I turned to my best friend... google!

We worked hard together, thinking up new ideas, incorporating multiple ideas together (FLAPPY BIRD AND MUSIC!) and sitting with eachother, crying our eyes out because CODES DIDN'T WANT TO WORK!


Yet I persevered, worked out kinks (I still don't know what they were) and revisited multiple help sites (I think I'm taking reddit out for a drink next friday) again... and again... and again. There was a LOT of trial and error (Did you know that some commands don't work if they're incorporated into another command? WHY? IS IT A POWER STRUGGLE? MUTINY?? WHY WASN'T I WARNED??) Frankly? I'm SUPER PROUD of the outcome! Check it out, the link is

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